
I'm a frontend developer

Who am I?

Hi there! It`s Ali Mirdad; a JavaScript-lover frontend developer, specialised in React.I am seeing a full-time position in the react in which I can put into practice my knowledge and experience, ultimately benefiting the operations of the organisation that I work for.

My skills & Knowledge

Technologies and languages that I use to make my product everyday

Selected projects

Nike Shoes

Nike Shoes Ecommerce, uses NodeJs for authentication and store the data and also use Redux toolkit and rtk query for manageing state

Mern Admin Panel

Admin panel with real data that comes from NodeJS Api using MaterialUI, Redux Toolkit, rtk query

Movie App

Movie app using Api , tailwindcss, swiper, ...

Crypto App

Crypto app using MaterialUI, Chart, Swiper, Api,...

Music Player(Spotify Clone)

A spotify clone using Nextjs, Typescript, Tailwindcss, ...

Get in touch